
Saturday, 20 May 2023


Saturday, 20 May 2023


Saturday, 20 May 2023


Saturday, 20 May 2023


Saturday, 20 May 2023


Saturday, 20 May 2023


Saturday, 20 May 2023

The Wedding of
20 . 05 . 2023

We cordially request the honor
of your presence at the wedding of

Mr. Tjoa Yoe Ie (†) & Mrs. Liem Ay Mey


Mr. Kosdjana Kosasih & Mrs. Murniyati Soekmadji

Your gracious presence and
blessings will be highly appreciated.

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Holy Matrimony

IFGF Bandung
Paskal Hyper Square,
Blok J IFGF Bandung
Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.25 - 27, Kb. Jeruk, Kec. Andir, Kota Bandung

Wedding Reception

Hilton Bandung
Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto No.41-43, Arjuna, Kec. Cicendo, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40172


This event will be carried out with strict
health protocols required by the government.

Must wear a mask

All cutleries will be sanitized

Keep a safe distance

Body temperature check before entering

All area will be sanitized before the event begins


With all due respect, giving cashless Personal Gifts will be safer as it reduces physical contact and the chances of being lost. It will also be more comfortable for you since it can be done anywhere and anytime before the event.

Yanuar Hadi Budianto

Personal Message

Leave a message or wishes for us!

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Thank you

Thank you for celebrating with us,
please enjoy on our special day!