Holy Matrimony
The Wedding of
Rendhy& Daphne
Jumat, 03 Juni 2022
By the Love and Grace of God,
Cordially request the honour of your presence at
the marriage of our beloved son and daughter
Rendhy Yopimesa
Son of Mr. Gunawan Yopimesa and Mrs. Lindawati
Son of Mr. Gunawan Yopimesa
and Mrs. Lindawati
Alexandra Stephanie Daphne Hirawan
Alexandra Stephanie
Daphne Hirawan
Daughter of Mr. Yamin Hirawan and Mrs. Lany Hartadi
Daughter of Mr. Yamin Hirawan
and Mrs. Lany Hartadi
Our joy will not be complete without
your presence
and blessings at this
celebration of love.
This event will be carried out with
health protocols required by the government.
Holy Matrimony
Butuh Bantuan?
Kontak Team HelpdeskWith all due respect, giving angpao will be safer with cashless method because it avoids physical contact and reduces the chances of being lost, and it will be more comfortable for you because it can be done anywhere and any time before attending The Wedding event.