ِبِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْم
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
By the grace of Allah SWT, we would like to request your presence at the wedding of:
Mr. Kol. CKM. dr. Dis Bima Purwaamidjaja, Sp. An-KIC, M.Kes
& Mrs. dr. Peny W. Prastianingsih, Sp. THT-KL, M.Kes.
Mr. Letkol Inf Drs. Sanyoto &
Mrs. Kapten Cba (K) Dra. Janur Leganti
Dear guests, you can access the live streaming of Putri & Danang wedding through the following button during the hours listed. You can also add a scheduled reminder to your calendar so you don't miss this event by pressing the calendar icon next to it.
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With all due respect, giving angpao will be safer with cashless method because it avoids physical contact and reduces the chances of being lost, and it will be more comfortable for you because it can be done anywhere and anytime before attending The Wedding event.