The wedding of

Harry & Pauline

Sunday, 10 October 2021

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

By the Love and Grace of God

Cordially request the honour of your presence at the marriage of our beloved son and daughter

Harry Senjaya Gunawan

The first son of Mr. Tonny Gunawan Lim & Mrs. Lim Ay Yu


Pauline Nathania

The only daughter of Mr. Popo Tejasaputra & Mrs. Ninna Kristina

Our joy will be more complete with your presence and blessings.

Sunday, 10 October 2021


Holy Matrimony




Villa Deo Gratias
Wedding Reception




Padma Hotel, Bandung

Virtual Wedding

Dear guests, you can access the live streaming of Harry & Pauline's wedding through the following button during the hours listed.

Holy Matrimony 10.00 WIB
Wedding Reception 16.00 WIB


We really appreciate it if you wear suits and dresses to our Holly Matrimony & Wedding Reception.


This event will be carried out with strict health protocols required by the government.

For everyone's safety, guests will be tested antigen swab before entering the venue.

Must wear a mask.

Take away food.

Body temperature check before entering.

All area will be sanitized before the event begins.

Keep a safe distance.

Must wear a mask.

Take away food.

Keep a safe distance.

Body temperature check before entering.

All area will be sanitized before the event begins.

Personal Message

Leave a message or wishes for us!
Add photo/video?

Thank you

Stay safe at home now, party with us later!
~ One thing that cannot change, though, is the love that connects us all through time and space ~