Sunday, 18 June 2023
We cordially request the honor
of your presence at the wedding of
Son of Mr. Harjanto Gunawan (Yoyong) & Mrs. Risnawaty Kartamihardja (Ina)
Mr. Harjanto Gunawan
& Mrs. Risnawaty Kartamihardja
Daughter of Mr. Budhi Wibowo & Mrs. Liliana Setijadi
Mr. Budhi Wibowo
& Mrs. Liliana Setijadi
Our joy will be complete with
your presence and blessings at
our celebration of love
This event will be carried out with
strict health protocols required by the government.
Try and save Devin & Karina IG Filter and don’t
forget to use the hashtag #DevinKarinAlways then
tag us Devinadhipratama & Kkarinaw
Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift we could ask for! But if you feel inclined to give us more, Instead of a dinner set, a vase or a bowl, A financial contribution would help us reach our financial goals! You may either scan any of the QR codes below or put a gift envelope inside the box on our wedding day.
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Congratulationss on your special day Karina and Devin! I’m truly happy for you guys and wish you both a lifetime full of love ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations Karina & Devin for your big day. May the years ahead be filled with joy, love, and blessings🤗
Happy Wedding Karina & Devin, Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru dan Menikmati Berkat Tuhan yang melimpah. Langgeng terus sampai maut memisahkan, GBU
(Tante Nancy & Keluarga)
Congratulations karina dan devin, happy wedding, selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga berbahagia selalu. GBU🙏🏻💐
Dear Karina and Devin,
May all the blessing from GOD flow to Karina and Devin every moment. GOD loves both of you
Selamat Devin & Karina Tuhan Yesus memberkati, diberikan kesehatan& kebahagian bersama keluarga. GBU
Happy Wedding Devin and Karina ❤️ happily ever after for you both. God bless 🥰🙏🏻
Selamat ya Karina n Davin
Berbahagia selalu 🙏🏻😇
Karina & Devin, lancar sampai hari H diberi udara yang cerah, Tuhan memberkati pernikahan mu
Selamat buat Devin & Karina dan selamat menempuh kehidupan berumah tangga. Tuhan kiranya selalu menyertai kalian agar apapun yg dialami kalian keluar sebagai pemenang! Tuhan memberkati.
Congratulations..... Devin & Karina.... God bless your wedding abundantly...
Congratulations to you both!!😍😍
Ikut bahagia for you Kar and hubby,
Semoga lancar acara weddingnya
And lancar what comes after the wedding.
Semoga bahagia selalu❤❤❤
Congrats for both of you!!
Happy wedding, Devin & Karina. Wishing you an everlasting love & Happiness. God bless always 🙏🥰🎂🌹💞
selamat menempuh hidup baru .GBU
Congrats for both of you ❤️
Congrats bro, semoga terberkati selalu 🙏🏼
Selamat menempuh hidup baru,bahagia slalu
Tuhan memberkati