The Wedding Of

Aldy & Debora

“So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Matthew 19 :6

"Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu. Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah, tidak boleh diceraikan manusia."
Matius 19 :6

The Wedding

By the Love and Grace of God,
We cordially request the honour of your presence at the marriage of our beloved son and daughter

Dengan Cinta dan Anugerah Tuhan,
Kami dengan hormat mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri pernikahan

Aldy Wirawan, S. T.

Son of Mr. Ir. Widarto Wirawan
& Mrs. Dra. Yulianti Sudiro

Putra dari Bapak Ir. Widarto Wirawan
& Ibu Dra. Yulianti Sudiro

Debora Marpaung, S. T.

Daughter of Mr. Ir. Togar Marpaung
& Mrs. Tumiar Panjaitan B. A. (†)

Putri dari Bapak Ir. Togar Marpaung
& Ibu Tumiar Panjaitan B. A. (†)

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Minggu, 20 Februari 2022

Holy Matrimony Live Streaming

Dear guests, you may access the live streaming of Aldy & Debora's wedding through the following button during the hours listed.

Para tamu yang terhormat, Anda dapat mengakses live streaming pernikahan Aldy & Debora melalui tombol berikut selama jam yang tercantum.

Wedding Reception Location

Wedding Reception





Holiday Inn Kemayoran
Jl. Griya Utama No.2, Jakarta Utara
Wedding Reception





Holiday Inn Kemayoran
Jl. Griya Utama No.2, Jakarta Utara


This event will be carried out with strict health protocols required by the government.

All area will be clean & sanitized.

All employees & vendors will follow health protocol recommended by the government.

All guests must wear masks and keep your distance.

Measure body temperature check before entering.

Take away food.

All guest already vaccinated.

Invitation only for 2 people.

Shaking hands will be replaced by doing the Namaste greeting.

All area will be clean & sanitized.

All employees & vendors will follow health protocol recommended by the government.

All guests must wear masks and keep your distance.

Measure body temperature check before entering.

Take away food.

All guest already vaccinated.

Invitation only for 2 people.

Shaking hands will be replaced by doing the Namaste greeting.

Seluruh gedung telah dibersihkan & disinfect.

Seluruh karyawan & vendor akan mengikuti protokol kesehatan yang di anjurkan pemerintah.

Seluruh tamu wajib memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.

Akan dilakukan pengukuran suhu tubuh & penggunaan hand sanitizier.

Paket hidangan dibawa pulang.

Seluruh tamu sudah melakukan vaksinasi.

Undangan berlaku maksimal 2 orang.

Jabat tangan akan digantikan dengan salam ala namaste.

Seluruh gedung telah dibersihkan & disinfect.

Seluruh karyawan & vendor akan mengikuti protokol kesehatan yang di anjurkan pemerintah.

Seluruh tamu wajib memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.

Akan dilakukan pengukuran suhu tubuh & penggunaan hand sanitizier.

Paket hidangan dibawa pulang.

Seluruh tamu sudah melakukan vaksinasi.

Undangan berlaku maksimal 2 orang.

Jabat tangan akan digantikan dengan salam ala namaste.


& Family
& Keluarga
Please confirm your Reception attendance at Holiday Inn Kemayoran Konfirmasikan kehadiran anda pada acara Resepsi di Holiday Inn Kemayoran
Choose an event to attend. Pilih acara yang akan dihadiri:
Choose the number to attend. Pilih jumlah yang akan hadir.
Choose the number to attend. Pilih jumlah yang akan hadir.
Choose the number to attend Both. Pilih jumlah yang akan hadir Keduanya.
Confirmation attendance? Konfirmasi Kehadiran?
Yes Ya
Confirmation of virtual attendance? Konfirmasi Kehadiran Virtual?
Yes Ya
Confirmation unable to attend? Konfirmasi tidak dapat hadir?
Yes Ya


Please refrain from giving any gift, flower garland, angpao.

With all due respect, giving personal gift will be safer using a cashless method to avoid any form of physical contact and reduce the chances of them being lost. We also hope that it will be more comfortable for you to do so because it can be done anywhere and anytime before attending the wedding event.

Dengan hormat tamu diharapkan tidak memberikan hadiah berupa kado , rangkaian bunga, amplop.

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, pemberian angpau secara elektronik dengan metode cashless akan lebih aman dan nyaman karena dapat menghindari kontak fisik dan menghilangkan kemungkinan tercecer/terhilang, serta akan lebih nyaman bagi Anda karena bisa dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun sebelum menghadiri acara pernikahan.

Aldy Wirawan

    Transaction guide with BCA Mobile:
  1. Press the icon at the bottom center.
    1. Scan the QR code on this page, or
    2. Screenshot the QR code on this page then press on the right side of the QR code scan page then select screenshot from your photo gallery.
  2. Enter the amount to be transferred and your name in the news, then press OK.

    For transactions with Internet Banking/ATM of any bank, you can transfer to the bank and account number listed above.

Personal Message

Leave a message or wishes for us! Tinggalkan pesan atau doa untuk kami!




Add photo or video?


Thank you for celebrating with us,
please enjoy on our special day!